Click on the image to watch Sally perform the perfect Squat!
The squat is one of our basic every day movement patterns. We use it when going about our daily activities from sitting down in a chair to lifting up the laundry basket to batting for your local cricket team! This means that performing squats as an exercise is functional, but also highlights the importance of good technique and quality of motion when performing a squatting exercise. We want our brain to remember good technique so it is repeated subconsciously when you squat during your day.
Some of the common faults clients make in their squatting technique, the risks associated with these faults and how to correct these faults include;
- Bending from the lower back to increase range of motion. This acts to increase the load on the muscles, discs and joints in your lower back increasing the risk of injury to the area. Ideally you should maintain a neutral spine with core activated while performing a squat.
- Weight is forward over knees. This increases the load on your knee cap making you more susceptible to knee pain from performing squats. Your weight should be over your heels as you squat, this encourages your gluteal muscles to activate and take the load.
- Insufficient bend at the ankle joint causing the feet to roll in to achieve a deeper squat. As the feet roll in the knee joint follows, resulting in poor alignment and possible pain in any of the leg joints. If you have stiff ankles place a towel under your heels to achieve a deeper squat.
As you fatigue if the form of your squat starts to deteriorates stop and take a rest. Always remembering quality of movement is much more important that quantity.
Welcome to freedom in movement!
Come along to our Physio led Pilates classes and “love the way you move”
Sydney North Shore: Roseville
(We are easily accessible for clients based in Willoughy, Lindfield, Killara, Artarmon, Forestville, Chatswood, Gordon and St Ives).
Sydney Eastern Suburbs : Darlinghurst
Phone Sally on :0404 366 363 or visit our website www.pro-align.com.au and enquire now!