As we head into spring we may drag the runners out of the closet and renew our love for running.
The correct footwear is of paramount importance in remaining injury free.
To remain injury free we need to able to transfer energy effectively from the ground up through the body. As our feet are the inital contact point with the earth, the correct impact and flow through the foot will determine the alignment and flow of energy up through the leg. It can, in effect, literally switch the muscles on or off up in the hip and trunk region.
The more common problem seen in the foot is over pronation. This is when the foot rolls in too much. A pronated foot will lead the leg to internally rotate and the pelvis to tilt forward into anterior rotation. This also leads to an over extended low back. These changes in body alignment coupled with repetative vertical impact of running can lead to over use injury. Common problems associated with foot and hip control are 'runners knee' (iliotibial band syndrome), Plantar Fasciosis, low back pain and sacro iliac joint and pelvis problems.
So take a good look at your footwear and make sure it is correct for your foot type and exercise needs.
To find the best style of running shoe I recommend going to The Running Company in Bondi. Chris Chapman is an avid runner and provides a service wherein your barefoot running gait is analysed on video and then again in the correct shoe for you. This ensures that you have the best footwear for your purpose and not just the latest trend.
enjoy your painfree running !